hypocrits! see strongs = actors.
That is what they are telling them to do. Pretenders
there are assignments on the life and ministry school now where they are suggested to just talk to people without giving a witness.. they are supposed to practice starting conversations with strangers and listening to them to talk about whatever they want to talk about .
there is an assignment this week where the conversation ends without giving a witness.
jws don’t look like jws anymore and now they don’t actually preach.. you could get bearded men with sweaters or other such tops and women in pants or slacks coming upto you in the park or on the street and starting a conversation with you.. then you hear them listening to you and talking about whatever they think that you wanted to talk about .
hypocrits! see strongs = actors.
That is what they are telling them to do. Pretenders
there are assignments on the life and ministry school now where they are suggested to just talk to people without giving a witness.. they are supposed to practice starting conversations with strangers and listening to them to talk about whatever they want to talk about .
there is an assignment this week where the conversation ends without giving a witness.
jws don’t look like jws anymore and now they don’t actually preach.. you could get bearded men with sweaters or other such tops and women in pants or slacks coming upto you in the park or on the street and starting a conversation with you.. then you hear them listening to you and talking about whatever they think that you wanted to talk about .
This is disturbing. So, essentially they are saying to pick your victim, act as though you are just befriending them, hide who you are and what your agenda is... proceed. . a bunch of twisted actors Can you spell DECEIT.
I am going to warn everyone I know.
i have several jw family members.
i have been shunned many years now.
i was not baptized, but i was indoctrinated as a child.
Hello. I think they still teach that Adam wont be resurrected. While at the same time claiming Jesus died for his sin. I'm not 100% about that because... well, new light bulbs grow dim and flicker.
I guess my sister just really threw me because that's one I never heard before. She is a bottom line sort of person so that appears to be her take. What I need to do is get her to read her bible in context. i tried, but she said she didnt understand it. While the NWT is written not to be easily understood, that leaves her in a very dangerous place depending on WT lit.
I think you are correct in saying they overcomplicate, hence the confusion. However, that's putting it nicely. I dont see NICE when I listen to the GB. A child can understand the gospel
i have several jw family members.
i have been shunned many years now.
i was not baptized, but i was indoctrinated as a child.
Peacefulpete, Back then they swam in a sea mythology especially gentiles. So yeah i know about the phoenix as polycarp I believe also mentioned it. Be careful what you put in print!
i have several jw family members.
i have been shunned many years now.
i was not baptized, but i was indoctrinated as a child.
Ok Look. I didnt come to this forum to have atheists troll me with question after question. I have answered what I wanted to answer, and I dont get replies that correspond, but I get yet another stupid irrelevant question. You arent looking for help. nothing better to do?
I am not here for that. Go find an atheist debate board.
I am here because this board is about sharing with XJWs. Be gone trolls. I will not be replying. Youre welcome.
i have several jw family members.
i have been shunned many years now.
i was not baptized, but i was indoctrinated as a child.
A young rich man asked jesus what must I do to get everlasting life, jesus said to keep the commandments and sell his riches and give to the poor, off he went ,
That now middle aged rich man meets Paul and asks him the same question but now is told that he must have faith in the blood of jesus to have everlasting life.
Is jesus right and Paul's wrong or is Paul right and jesus wrong or are they both wrong or right?
Touchofgrey, First of all, Who says they were the same person?
Secondly, the rich young ruler claimed RIGHTEOUSNESS. He kept ALL of the commands.. He didnt need Jesus. He wasnt as sinner. Right? So, Jesus clearly showed him that he is a sinner because his wealth was more important than obeying the commands he just claimed he honored. We cant save ourselves by good works! He that exalts himself will be humbled.
Religion's today each have their own interpretation of the bible and so believe slightly different things, so are all right or all wrong?
i have several jw family members.
i have been shunned many years now.
i was not baptized, but i was indoctrinated as a child.
It has been my experience that jw' s have no concept of salvation in the traditional Christen viewpoint.
Hi Carla,
It hit me in my core when she said that. She was making fun of the idea that Jesus = salvation or that it's a free gift. She truly thinks that by dying we pay for our sins. WHAT? We all die so what's that mean then? We are all sinless at death? Where they get this stuff is beyond me. No wonder Jesus is just a blip at the end of a prayer.
I was aware of how they get stuck on James and works. I dont know why they cant understand that James is speaking about much later time after Isaac was born some 25 years AFTER God had declared Abraham righteous way in back in Gen 15 for believing the promise. It was a test to prove he was genuine. But even that confusion doesnt explain the blatant self- atonement rhetoric.
It comes from a single line in Romans 6 OUT OF CONTEXT. People think that Jws understand their bibles because they TALK SO MUCH but, sadly nothing is further from the truth. WT uses cherry picked verses and make entire doctrines. It's wickedly deceptive. What the Gb can do to person's mind is frightening. They utterly reject what the bible plainly says because we arent the suited men in the castle with the gnosis.
I'm going to write the chapter out and explain it to her, and snail mail it in the hopes that she can see it is not saying anything like what she has been taught. I can only hope she will read it. It's really sad.
It has also been my experience that a jw will not discuss or entertain the mere concept of 'salvation'.. And in no way willl they accept any 'salvation' through or because of Jesus Christ.. In fact, my jw will prefer to run away than to have this conversation, go hide in bathroom, need to answer phone, need to answer neighbor he neglected for months on end , etc......I think he would prefer a tornado than do have an actual discussion. And, for goodness sakes, never, ever, find youtubes or museum, college, academic, etc... that might negate their beliefs.
That would be comical if it wasn't so sad. It seems you've hit the sweet spot there. Running away or changing the subject are the two MO's. Bring up the trinity and you'll have 4k at your door haha.. bring up Michael and most leave. It breaks my heart to pieces, honestly. There is no rejoicing in them, no joy, no peace, no singing in their hearts, and the love? My kids don't know my own family.
Jesus died for your sins is the roach spray? I may need to remember that one day. It's such a tangled web they are caught in. Don't give up hope! Keep praying and chasing into the bath on occasion.
i have several jw family members.
i have been shunned many years now.
i was not baptized, but i was indoctrinated as a child.
The idea of justification seems to be a concept developed by Paul, as there are no original copies of his letters, earliest about the 3rd century. How can you be sure that the true meaning has not been altered or lost in translation?
Touchofgrey, That's the ^^^ question I responded to, obvioulsy.
I'm not an expert on your questions so you would do better with someone else besides me. This site is usually very interesting although i admit to not having read this link. Have a look. https://library.biblicalarchaeology.org/article/did-jesus-exist-searching-for-evidence-beyond-the-bible/
I believe because I have prayed and been answered time and time again. It's not a question for me if He exists- He is very real.
I do understand that you have many questions. I was there too, but with a different set of questions. My faith wasnt shipwrecked because of a bunch of twisted liars- and especially because the WT fits the false teachers warnings in the scriptures all too well. So we were warned in multiple places. That ought to build faith not destroy it, ya know?
Instead, I had to begin at square one with learning what the bible actually said. I didn't trust a single person to help me. ALL that I had was prayer.I would suggest prayer to you as well, and keep at it. He already knows why you struggle, so go to Him. Let Him heal you like he did me. He will stick closer than a brother. What do you have to lose?
watchtower august 15th 1935 - "...the greatest of all tribulations mentioned in the scriptures must come after the great multitude appears and must be that which is mentioned by christ jesus as “tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time.” that tribulation period began with the “day of jehovah”, to wit, in 1914, when the war started against satan’s organization in heaven, and reaches the great climax at the time of the battle of armageddon, the great day of god almighty.
110 years - and counting!.
other denominations claim the great tribulation is only going to last for 7 years.
I wish I knew how to get my family out of this cult. If I gave them that quote they wouldnt read it and would run screaming.
the ot of wing commander made me think about the following.. i was born in 1970, 4th generation jw.
in the 70's i got the indirect message of 1975, and in the early 80's we were promissed a paradise were we could life for ever!
this all combined with the 1914 doctrine.. it was all about show activity and works, that lead to a reward, the paradise earth.. i'm curious about the jw's of later years and the current "generation z".. we don't visit the hall, maybe once in a year.
No that hasnt changed. Their big thing is still paradise earth. Anyone who partakes at their Memorial is thought to be "mentally diseased."
I wish they'd see the mental disease of their GB.